Wednesday, November 17, 2010

OPI 100,000 Fan Giveaway

OPI is trying to reach 100,000 Facebook followers by the end of the December 2010.  To help with this goal, they are holding a contest in which 100 winners will get their hands on 6 of OPI's retired colors that will be "returning from the vault".

In addition to the 3 colors listed on the press release info I received, which were Kinky In Helsinki, Smokin' in Havana, and Parlez-Vous OPI, the giveaway will also include HooDoo VooDoo, Cheyenne Pepper, and Sahara Sapphire.  Click here to go directly to OPI's giveaway; make sure you become a FB follow as well, as I don't know if they'll honor the giveaway if they don't get the 100,000 followers.  I encourage you to become a fan of OPI on Facebook.  I really appreciate it when a company has a strong presence on a social media site, and OPI is one of the major players.  I think this is a great giveaway, and I really appreciate OPI opening up the vault to 100 lucky winners, but...

and this is me just bitching...   Like last year's Colorcopia collection, which was made up of HTF re-releases (and just happened to include Kinky in Helsinki and Sahara Sapphire), the ones they are including are a little lackluster, IMO.  Don't get me wrong, Kinky In Helsinki and Parlez-Vous OPI are amazing and worth a re-release, but both of these are fairly easy to get on eBay (meaning not crazily inflated) and at etailers with a good stock of d/c'd OPIs.  You'd think they would have included more sought-after colors.  I mean... hell...  one bottle of La Boheme recently went for $80 on eBay.  Include that, OPI.  Or holo MPJ, or VSB or (my personal #1 OPI lemming) Hey Vito is My Car Red-Y.  Don't say "we are opening our fault" and then make it the gateway to snoresville, okay?  /bitching  :P

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